UPDATE FROM DAVIS COLLEGE! October Events: COA Update, 100th Birthday, and more
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Hello dear Colleagues and Friends,
Exciting times are afoot here at Davis College! Fall is finally here with a deep long rain yesterday and the smell of Yankee air; the State Fair starts this week and pumpkins are popping up in peculiar places. We are getting ready for five great events: first, the visit from the Great Pumpkin – oh whoops, no not this year. First, our National Advisory Council and the Diversity Leadership Group are meeting together with our faculty and staff on Friday, October 16. The main agenda items are a review of the COA documentation, planning for a curriculum review, and discussion of internship and scholarship opportunities. If you have additional agenda items please send them directly to me and I will make sure they get added.
Our second great event is the arrival of our six External Review Panelists for our accreditation visit. They arrive on Saturday, October 24 and will be with us through Tuesday, October 27. Thanks to a generous gift from Jack Bryan, they have a newly redecorated Conference Room in Davis 112 to call home for their visit.
Carolyn, Chess and Jenny have been organizing and color coding our files and creating maps to the evidence from our presentation. We are so ready and looking to the visit. Let me know if you have any questions about the process or have something you want to share with the panelists.
Third, our traditional Gamecocks on the Green homecoming will be Friday, October 23 from 4:30 – 7:00. Join us on Gibbes Green for meeting old friends, making new friends, getting a picture taken with Cocky and generally enjoying the celebration. RSVP to Elaine Taylor by October 15 (taylorem@mailbox.sc.edu).
And the fourth great event is the birthday party tea at 4p.m. on Sunday, October 25 to celebrate Davis College turning 100! Dr. Pat Feehan and a committee of party planners have great fun planned, with special guests and the University Archivist, Elizabeth West will be giving a tour of the horseshoe at 3:00. So hope you can join us to honor our beautiful building!
Finally, fifth fun event is the SC Library Association Conference and all the fun that brings. Join us for a Diversity Pre-Conference on Wednesday, October 28 and stay for the USC SLIS Alumni tea at the Marriott on Thursday afternoon. For more information: www.scla.org.
You can see that we are staying out of trouble, planning great things and looking forward to seeing you this fall. In the meantime, here are five things to read and think about:
A Library to Last Forever [The New York Times]
The Dewey Dilemma [Library Journal]
A digital "think-in" -- this could be a good idea for library leaders and thinkers, too, no?
NPR’s Honchos Talk Digital at “Think In” in San Francisco (Also, Scoble!)
Source: kara.allthingsd.com
Google’s Abandoned Library of 700 Million Titles [Wired]
Got a Burning Question? Ask the Net [The New York Times]
Don’t forget to hug a librarian and a teacher and let me know if there is anything we can do for you!