Monday, May 23, 2011

Update from Davis College, May 6

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Today was the 3rd Hooding Ceremony here at the School of Library and Information Science. We had over 50 graduates being hooded with their MLIS and more than 300 family members and friends joined us for a lovely reception in the halls of Davis. It was a party! Carolyn Delton and our staff put on the Ritz. We didn’t even mind that there was a cooling sprinkle of rain. Everyone was so happy and honored and the sense of accomplishments was palpable. Thank you all for coming and thank you faculty and staff for being the very best of hosts. A link to a video of the ceremony is included in your five things below.

Last night I was invited by our student association, LISSA and the spring 2011 graduates to give their Last Lecture. I thank you all for the honor. I have included a link below to the video but the sound wasn’t very good when I tried it. A transcript of my talk will be available on our website and I suggest you read it before you watch the video. I have a wonderful ‘portfolio’ presented by the students, wrapped in a garnet silk scarf and I will treasure both forever.

Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor delivered the commencement address at the general ceremony this afternoon. Her theme was the power of mothers and how belief in education is one of our great levelers. I hope you will take time to hear her speech as it really was a powerful and lovely piece. And speaking of mothers – Happy Mother’s Day to you all! It is a great day to celebrate so enjoy.

A couple of fall dates to save are September 13 for the 5th Annual Literacy Leaders’ Award Ceremony -- details to come – and the first week in October for ICOMM week, our celebration of all the great scholarly endeavors from our College. This year we will be hosting an ‘Infocamp unconference’ on the weekend of October 1 so stayed tuned for details.

I’ll be in Tucson helping my mother mend her broken hip for a bit but will be available by email or phone so just holler if you need me.

In the meantime, here are five things to view, read and think about. Hope you enjoy them and let me know if you have comments or questions.

1. Last Lecture, Thursday 5/5/2011:

2. Hooding Ceremony, Friday 5/6/2011:

A next-generation digital book [TED]


4. Transforming Traditional Organizations [Jeffrey Trzeciak]

5. The Architecture of Access to Scientific Knowledge: Just How Badly We Have Messed This Up [Lawrence Lessig]

Always yours,

Dr. Sam


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