Wednesday, September 27, 2006

GENERAL NEWS: First Craft Night!

On Thursday October 12th the SLIS Early Literacy Center will be hosting it's first Craft Night!
It will be from 6pm to 7pm in room 222 of the Child Development and Research Center.
Craft Night is being created for students who are interested in creating their own storytime props and manipulatives for their classrooms or libraries. If you are interested in hearing more about
the program or participating please contact me off list at
Thank you!
Erin Rogers

Monday, September 25, 2006


Hopefully the site feed problem is fixed. Here is the link:

You can also find a link to the site feed in the sidebar.

Let me know if there are any problems.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

SLIS NEWS: New SC Library Blog

South Carolina public library staff:
SC State Library Development Services is now sharing information for and about libraries in South Carolina in our new blog LibraryTrax. We'll share great library programs, highlight what we learn from leaders in the field, and hopefully inspire conversations about the future of libraries.
We'll also be sharing resources, like workshop handouts, presentation slides, streaming video, podcasts, etc.
Check back often! Comments are turned on, so please share your thoughts with us. We truly want this to be a conversation!
Find us at

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

GENERAL NEWS: 5 Exciting Things to Do This Week

Here are 5 exciting things to do this week:

  • Take a cataloger to lunch and start a discussion of FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records)
    (This is really fun!)


If you have not looked at my website, it is here.

Monday, September 11, 2006


Fixing site feed problem.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

GENERAL NEWS: "Rethinking Google System"

Check this out! New stategy? Human searchers improve relevancy! hmmm -- as in librarians?

"Rethinking Google System: Human-powered search premieres."
Rethinking Google's system [The San Francisco Chronicle]

GENERAL NEWS: "The Big Read"

The National Book Festival and NEA's "The Big Read" celebrate the written word with the strength of powerful national institutions behind them. We invite you to join in the festivities -- as you plan your media center activities, save the date for September 23-30 and observe Banned Books Week. Get ideas and resources at

The 2006 AASL Fall Forum "Assessing Student Learning in the School Library Media Center" will take place in Warwick, Rhode Island, this October (13-15). Register today and learn from leading experts how school library media specialists can be effective teaching partners in assessment and learn how to design instruction to improve student learning. Get the details and register at

GENERAL NEWS: e-learning at PLA

E-Learning@PLA is offering five new start dates for two of its popular online professional development courses. This is your opportunity to gain valuable skills that will impact the success of your library from the comfort of your home or work computer. The New Planning for Results and Creating Policies for Results courses will be offered on the following dates:
· September 11, 2006
· October 9, 2006
· February 5, 2007
· March 5, 2007
· April 7, 2007

to register now.

New Planning for Results
Staff commitment, access to resources, adequate library services, and dedication to excellence all determine a public library’s success. But like any good business, success begins with a strategic plan that addresses the unique needs of your library and community.

The New Planning for Results e-Learning course will teach you how to create a strategic plan that meets your library’s needs. Instructor June Garcia will lead you step by step through the elements of a strategic plan, including identifying your community’s needs, determining goals, communicating results, and allocating resources. The New Planning for Results requires an average of six hours of online work and five hours of offline work over the course of six weeks to complete, and includes online chats with June, participant discussion forums, individual assignments, and self-guided interactive exercises. Registration also includes access to course materials for six months from the start date of the class.

Cost: $195 for PLA members*

“The New Planning for Results e-Learning course provides a solid foundation in strategic planning. The online course allowed me to absorb the fundamentals of the New Planning for Results at my own pace, on my own time. The bonus was that I met many interesting professionals from around the nation including colleagues in other state libraries who I might not otherwise have met.”

Rand Simmons, Ph.D.
Program Manager for Library Development
Office of the Secretary of State
Washington State Library Division

to register for New Planning for Results.

Creating Policies for Results
Library policies define what a library values, which means policies must align with a library’s priorities, mission, goals, and objectives. Too often, this isn’t the case. Policies are outdated, lack staff support, or don’t exist at all, creating frustration and ongoing headaches.

In Creating Policies for Results, you will learn how to effectively evaluate your library’s existing policies, determine what additional policies are needed, develop new policies, and establish a process to implement new or revised policies. Through interactive exercises, participant discussion forums, and online chats with course instructor June Garcia, you will gain the skills necessary to manage your library’s policies. Creating Policies for Results requires an average of six hours of online work and three hours of offline work over the course of six weeks to complete. Registration also includes access to course materials for six months from the start date of the class.

Cost: $195 for PLA members*
“PLA's Creating Policies for Results online course is a great way to learn the policies process. The self?paced course, with real?life case studies and positive reinforcements through group tasks and chat, offers a true learning opportunity. You will come out with the ability to start the process in your own library*even before you complete the course.”

Karen Avenick
Assistant Director
Camden County Library

to register for Creating Policies for Results.

Course instructor June Garcia has more than 30 years experience in public libraries, including as the director of the San Antonio Public Library and as the library extension services administrator at the Phoenix Public Library. She served as PLA president from 1991-92, and has been an active member of the PLA committees that developed Planning for Results, Managing for Results, and Staffing for Results. Currently, June is a managing partner with Dubberly Garcia, a consulting firm that advises on a broad range of library projects.

*The cost per e-Learning course is $195 for PLA members, $250 for ALA members, and $295 for nonmembers. Group discounts are available for state libraries, consortia, systems of regions and registrants from the library. Registration for e-Learning courses closes one week before the class start date.

For additional questions regarding e-Learning@PLA, please contact the PLA office at 800-545-2433, ext. 5PLA, or visit PLA's Web site at PLA is a division of the American Library Association.

Friday, September 01, 2006


The ALA Washington Office urges libraries -- as community leaders -- to take charge in making sure their communities are prepared in the event of an emergency or disaster.


YALSA to offer over $30,000 in grants and awards to members:

GENERAL NEWS: Library Link of the Day
(Google: these books are free at CNET

Very interesting.