Tuesday, September 18, 2007

GENERAL NEWS: Fall Fling Invitation!

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Monday, September 17, 2007

GENERAL NEWS: Annual Literacy Leader Awards, Alumni News, Fall Fing, 5 Things to Do

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The First Annual Literacy Leader Awards ceremony last night at the State Library was wonderful! Five awards were given in appreciation of contributions to literacy in South Carolina. The Honorable Gilda Cobb-Hunter, the Honorable Lanny Littlejohn, Former South Carolina First Lady Rachel Hodges, Mr. Tommy Preston, Jr. (former President of the USC Study Government and founder of Cocky’s Reading Express), and Professor Emeritus Dr. Dan Barron each received a crystal shooting star award.

Hannah Horne presided, our state librarian David Gobble welcomed the crowd of over one hundred guests and Ellen Shuler let them know about our six million dollar, statewide literacy initiative. Dean Charles Bierbauer presented the awards with summaries of the contributions of each of the awardees. I made a few closing remarks.

It was a truly star-studded evening and I so appreciate all of the great work that made it so. The photos Curtis Rogers took are online at http://www.flickr.com/photos/curtisrogers/sets/72157602003061526/ Watch our website http://www.libsci.sc.edu/ for more information and more photos.

FALL FLING! Save the date of November 16 for a party at Dr. Sam’s.

FROM Lynne Bartlett: I am now the Reference and Electronic Resources Librarian at Bluefield College in Virginia (where I had a para-professional position while I worked on my MLIS)! I'm very excited about my new job and just wanted to share the news. Also, another USC alumnus has been promoted to the job of Library Director here! She went through the first WV corhort program. Her name is Nora Lockett and I'm sure some of the professors may remember her.

FROM ELAINE TAYLOR: Alumni and friends, We hope you’re planning to “Bring Back the Spirit” at Carolina this year with your fellow alumni and friends of the College of Mass Communications and Information Studies. We invite you to join us at our Alumni Reception on Friday, September 28, and at our Pre-Game BBQ on Saturday, September 29. Details for each event: ALUMNI RECEPTIONSeptember 28th from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Gibbes Green Reception featuring appetizers and fun! Cost is $5 admission per person and includes T-shirt. PRE-GAME BBQSeptember 29th two hours prior to kickoff: Homecoming Pre-Game BBQ at SC ETV Room DL1, Cost is $10 admission per person and includes T-shirt. RSVP to Elaine Taylor by September 21 at etaylor@sc.edu or (803) 777-7118. Visit http://www.sc.edu/cmcis/news/archive/alumnisociety/homecoming07.html to read more! Hope to see you there and GO GAMECOCKS!!!

So it has been an exciting week with lots of fun opportunities! It helps that we are finally out of the 90’s on the thermometer! In anticipation of FALL, let’s plan on SLIS going to the STATE FAIR on October 12. LISSA will let you know the details. If you can’t come to Columbia, then go to the nearest fair and we’ll compare fair stories!

Below are your five things to read or do.

1. 96 percent of teens use social-networking tools. Survey reveals schools have a huge opportunity to harness technology for instruction. http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/showStory.cfm?ArticleID=7304

2. Who's Selecting Now? As Phoenix Public Library boldly passes on selection responsibilities to its vendors, some libraries follow-and others dig in. [Library Journal] http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6471081.html

3. The 2007 National Book Festival
The 2007 National Book Festival, which will be held, rain or shine, on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007, on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., between 7th and 14th streets from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.loc.gov/bookfest/

4. Internet A Double Challenge For Libraries Struggling With Too Few Computers & Not Enough Bandwidth [CBS News]

5. Envisioning the Next Chapter for Electronic Books [The New York Times]

Be safe and let me know if there is anything we can do for you!


Dr. sam