Wednesday, February 02, 2011

GENERAL NEWS: Deans' and Directors' Lecture and New Faculty! (April 14, 2010)

April 14, 2010

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Greetings from the most beautiful campus in the universe! Davis College is sparkling and reflecting all the wonderful colors of spring making it very difficult to stay inside. It’s 75 degrees and I have been officially diagnosed for the worse case of spring fever ever! So let’s have a Spring Fling I think. Please join the faculty and staff at my home on Friday evening April 16 for good food, fun and bocce ball in the yard. Family and friends welcome -- 2928 Delano, Cola 29204 around 6 p.m.

Last week we held our 25th Annual Deans’ and Directors’ Lecture with the fabulous Michael Stephens presenting. If you missed it, please don’t miss the recording which will be available on our website. Speaking of websites, don’t miss our new design! Liz Qunell and Patty Hall have done a wonderful job at getting us ready for the next generation of information technologies!

We hired two new assistant professors to start in the fall, Dr. Karen Gavigan from UNC Greensboro and Dr. Susan Rathburn-Grubb from UNC Chapel Hill. We are delighted to welcome them to our Carolina! We will be sending our official notices over the lists singing about our good fortune!

All else is well. The budget is a nightmare but it gives us the opportunity to focus on our strengths and plan for the future. We will be okay, it is just going to be a might tight for a couple years.

Don’t forget that SCLA is accepting program proposals for their annual conference through April 19 (thank you Adam!) and that is a perfect way to share all the good work you are doing.

So, enjoy the air and the sky. Here are five things to read and think about that won’t keep you inside too long:

1. Survivor: The History of the Library [History Magazine]

2. The relationship between public libraries and Google: Too much information [First Monday]

3. Teaching About Web Includes Troublesome Parts [The New York Times]

4. Publishers & Librarians: Two Cultures, One Goal [Library Journal]

5. Libraries as places to linger and mingle [The Christian Science Monitor]

Take care and remember to hug a librarian!


Dr. Sam


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