Monday, September 14, 2009

GENERAL NEWS: Summer Graduations and Events for the Fall Semester!

August 10, 2009

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Our Summer Graduation event on Saturday was fantastic. I always get emotional when I look out at so many graduating students and the thousands of family and friends that helped them get to such a good part of their lives. It makes me think about truth and beauty and justice and the potential that each graduate brings to us – potential to change the world. When I talk to our SLIS graduates, I am convinced that the world will be a much better place with them on the front lines of libraries, holding the right to information like a banner. . .

And, the party was great! LISSA president Chess Schmidt, members (Amy, Kelly and Natalie), and our faculty and staff put together a lovely menu of special treats and even though it was VERY, VERY hot, we had a good time! Thank you each and all.

Now we are getting ready to welcome our new students. On Friday night we have a reception for our doctoral students, Saturday is orientation for the Masters and Sunday is convocation for our undergraduates. So much fun! As you know, graduation and orientation are my two most favorite events. It is important to remember that almost everything we do is for students, to be sure that they have the resources they need to succeed, to educate and help them protect our cultural heritage and yet be prepared for whatever the future might hold.

This is the beginning of my fourth year here at the University of South Carolina. I still wake up before my alarm, excited and ready to come to work. I still love walking through the doors of Davis each morning and treasure everyone I work with. I think I am doing a good job but would hate to find out that I am missing something critical or could improve in some area or. . . So, please do me a favor and go to It is a very short, anonymous survey for you to evaluate me as Director of the School. There is a place for you to comment and make suggestions – I’m counting on your help!

On August 28, we will have our first faculty/staff planning meeting of the year. In addition, to making plans and preparations for the external review panel visit from the ALA Committee on Accreditation, we will be working on the job descriptions for our two new tenure-track faculty, taking a strategic look at what we want our school to look like in 5 years and generally, making sure we have a plan ;-} If you have agenda items you want us to consider, please send them directly to me by email.

Mark your calendars for the following star-spangled events:

September 15 -- ALL (Annual Literacy Leaders) awards. Don’t miss seeing the people who make
difference in literacy initiatives receive awards for their service!

October 16 – Fall meeting of the National Advisory Council and Diversity Leadership

October 25 – 100th Birthday Party for Davis College at 4 p.m.

October 25-28 – ALA COA External Review Panel Visit

October 28-30 – SCLA 2009 Annual Conference. This year’s theme is: South Carolina Libraries: Diverse People and Exceptional Services. Don’t miss this premiere continuing education event offering a Preconference on diversity, dozens of workshops and networking opportunities for all. The Preconference on Diversity will open the Conference on Wednesday, October 28, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The Preconference is co-sponsored with the School of Library and Information Science (SLIS) and its theme is, Diversity in the Workplace.

I look forward to seeing you at as many of these events as possible and if you are a distance student, we will have a web version of at least part of the event for you!

Let me know if you need anything and in the meantime, here are five things to read and think about:

1. Keep up with your LISSA! Great new twist on the idea of a fireside chat. . .

2. This is a great remembrance of a wonderful school media librarian by Paul Wood. Life Remembered: Vickers-Shelley's students recall credo. Champaign-Urbana (IL) News-Gazette, Sunday, August 9, 2009.

3. Serendipity, Lost in the Digital Deluge [The New York Times]

4. Mourning the Death of Handwriting [Time],9171,1912419,00.html

5. Get Smarter [The Atlantic Monthly]

Stay cool and hug a librarian!


Dr. Sam


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