Tuesday, February 24, 2009

GENERAL NEWS: SLIS Update, Cocky's reading express Red Carpet, Book Festival and Five Things to Think About

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Just a note to let you know that all is well at the SLIS. Davis College, our beautiful building will be one hundred years old this fall. We will be celebrating with a birthday party on October 25, 2009 so save the date. That is also when our ALA Committee on Accreditation, External Review Panelists will be here. I know they will want to see and talk with many of you!

The premiere of the Cocky’s Reading Express video was a great success. Photos from the event are linked off of http://cockysreadingexpress.com/ and you can also view the video there. This is a very powerful program and we are beginning to collect the data and evidence to show that when Cocky reads to children, they read! Thanks to all involved in making it a classy night!

This coming weekend is the Book Festival http://www.scbookfestival.org/. Of course, we are right in the midst of the fun! We will have a booth in the exhibit hall and several of us have roles as moderators or introducers in the sessions. On Friday morning, Cocky, Mrs. Moore-Pastides, Hellen Fellers and Ellen Hinrichs will welcome 400 children to a fun-filled read-in. Please stop by the Civic Center if you want to be a part of something wonderful!

Also on Friday, February 27 we have our strategic planning session for accreditation with our National Advisory Council and the Diversity Leadership Group! This is a most important part of our self-study and we look forward to working with our constituents. I’ll let you know how it goes!

So far we are holding our own in the budget scenarios. I send huge hugs to each of you that have sent your contributions to help us through these tough times! You have no idea how very important these dollars are to us right now! Thank you!

I am waiting for spring, ready to put my toes in the grass and dance with the flowers. In the meantime, here are some things to read and think about:

1. In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update [The New York Times]


2. Librarian Opposes Google's Library Fees [All Things Considered]


3. Library Hip As Economy Suffers [MSNBC]


4. The Library Web Site of the Future [Inside Higher Ed]


5. What will the library of the future look like? [Los Angeles Times]


All best wishes and let me know if there is anything we can do for you!




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