Monday, September 22, 2008

GENERAL NEWS : COA planning retreat, New NAC members, and ALL award pictures

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It’s Friday evening and we just finished our COA planning retreat! The faculty, staff and members of our National Advisory Council (NAC) diligently went through the ALA Accreditation Standards and identified what sources of evidence we currently have and what we will need in order to show how well we are meeting the six standards. It was a great working session and I feel very good about the process. Next steps will include surveys and focus groups of alumni and employers so get ready! Let me know if you want to volunteer.

We welcomed three new members of NAC. Ben Breazeale from Time Warner Cable, Sandra Franklin, Director Emory University Health Sciences Center Library and Robert Newlan from the Congressional Record Service. Ben Breazeale was elected Chair of the Council for 2008/09. We thank them for their service and look forward to a great year!

The ALL awards reception was fantastic! Great photos of the event taken by UTS Photographer Phil Sawyer are at The State Library was a great venue, the award winners were pleased, and Mrs. Pastides gave the most moving closing remarks! If you missed it, please try to come for the 3rd Annual next year! We’ll have the video available soon.

Mark you calendars! Dr. Clifford Lynch will be here on October 6, at 4:00 for the Center for Digital Humanities lecture series. If you haven’t heard him talk, don’t miss this! We will also have a taped interview on ETV.

Save October 17 for Fall Fling at my house. All are welcome and if it is cool enough, we’ll make zamores!

We’ve had the most beautiful days, portents of fall with a slight scent of State Fair food. Will let you know the details for SLIS goes to the Fair.

Here are five things to read and think about:

1. Talking to BBC News Sir Tim Berners-Lee said he was increasingly worried about the way the web has been used to spread disinformation.

2. Why Libraries Are Back in Style [The Wall Street Journal]

3. The New Book Mobile: The next phase of libraries rolls into town [The Christian Science Monitor]

4. No Brief Candle: Reconceiving Research Libraries for the 21st Century [Council on Library and Information Resources]

5. Future-Proof Your Library [Library Journal]

Hope all is going well for you and yours. Let me know if there is anything we can do for you!


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