Tuesday, July 03, 2007

SLIS News: Bye-Bye Bajjaly, ALA, No 5 Things to Do

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Last night we had a farewell and good wishes bash for our Dr. Stephen Bajjaly. He is off to be the new director at Wayne State University, School of Library and Information Science. While a wise dean told me, “what’s good for the individual is good for the school,” I can’t help but feel a little selfish about Stephen leaving. We will miss him but look forward to all the fun collaborative work we can do in the future. Thank you Dr. Feehan for organizing the event and making sure it was fun! You are party central! Thanks to Jill and Liz, MidNet will continue and be available as your one stop guide to the midlands. Thank you Dr. Bagel for your distinguished service to SLIS!

We will be at orientations in West Virginia August 10 and 11 and Virginia August 13 to welcome our new cohorts. Details to come.

We are getting ready for our first class of doctoral students this fall. Carolyn has turned a storage room in the basement of Davis into a beautiful, doctoral commons. We are all looking forward to working with these new students and hope you will be able to join us to welcome them at our fall party.

Seeing our students get the runner-up award for best Student Chapter at the American Library Association Meeting in DC was the best part of the conference for me. Dr. Tu was so proud and the students deserved the award. Next year. . .! Photos are on the LISSA blog.

Our alumni reception at ALA was also great. It is so rewarding to see how successful and happy our alumni are in the field. We really do make the best leaders and librarians in the world! Thank you Nonie for working the booth and making sure our reception almost as classy as you are.

Ellen Schuler and Helen Fellers are tearing up the state, giving presentations and workshops on literacy and getting ready to read and how to raise a reader and * well, just wow will do! Thanks!

Roger and I are going to the everglades in mid-July to enjoy the wild quiet. I’m looking forward to seeing another panther and Roger loves sketching and watching the river of grass. If you need me, Carolyn delton@gwm.sc.edu can always find me.

Be sure to think good thoughts for the Olsgaards and Haynes. Dr. Olsgaard is doing better and Penny’s husband is going to be okay.

I’ll be back with your five things to think about or act on in August.

Enjoy your families, take a break and think cool thoughts. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.




At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh dear, what happend to Dr. Olsgaard?

At 2:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It sounds like things are going wonderfully--missing you too much!

Columbia is SO lucky to have you!


Jen in Tucson :o)


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